Saturday, August 5, 2017

10 Things A New Blogger Must know about Ad Based Earning

What is Ad Revenue for blog site?

When someone visits your website/blog, they get to see some advertisements appearing on the side or in middle of the page. Those Ads may or may not be relevant to the content of the website always. But more often than not, they are relevant to the content and that also increases the chances of someone clicking an advertisement. When that happens, your blog/website actually redirects a potential buyer to a website. Merchants pay for such customer visits on their site and you essentially earn few cents or rupees into your account.

Well, how much money blog websites are actually making?

Well, it could be as high as $100K per month if you believe this blog - How to Make Money Blogging: How This Blog Makes $100K per Month -

Here is another good article - How to make money blogging in 2017 -

One more - How Hard is it to Make Money Blogging? -

Hold on, don't get super excited. It's much easier said than done, when it comes earning out of blogging.

Sounds promising, how do I start showing those Ads on my blogs?

At high level, there is Goliath in this industry and that's Google, to be precise it's Google Adsense. In recent times even Amazon's Affiliate Program is also becoming a significant market player in this space. But there are many more Ad Network and Affiliate Programs. For Mobile Apps, one of the leading leading program is from InMobi.

For our discussion, we will focus on regular Web based blogs and restrict the discussion on Google's Adsense and Amazon's Affiliate Program.

How to setup Google Adsense Account?

As expected, Google Adsense is pretty good in getting you started with setting up of your Adsense account. So, go ahead take a look at and most likely you won't need anything additional.

How to setup Amazon Affiliate Website?

As with case with Google, even Amazon is pretty good in getting you started with their Affiliate Marketing program. Visit

You like to read little bit about it here.

Can you give some example blogs in few popular categories?

What I need to learn in order to be successful in this field?

You need to be good in your core value proposition i.e. the topics and the contents of your blog. That's the most critical aspect. Second, you need to setup your blog site. That's easy, we will cover it next. Last, in order to become a successful BlogPreneur, essentially you will have to learn about Digital Marketing.

Can you please suggest few top Learning Resources?

Take a look at the following url and you will get to know about the next upcoming course on Digital Market. It's free!!!

You may like to take a look at the courses offered at Udemy. Usually, Udemy charges money for the courses but there are many free courses as well.

I love the blogs, video blogs by Neil Patel. Here is a great a great slide deck from Neil Patel

How to Generate 195,013 Visitors a Month Without Spending a Dollar on Ads -

How to setup a blogging website?

Go to, use your Google/Gmail account to login. Setup a blog and start writing your blogs.

Similarly, you may user Wordpress - or Tumblr - to setup your blogging website. All for free!!!

If you want have your vanity url, you may buy a domain at or at or at and purchase a domain. Usually, for a domain with non-eye-catchy name will cost you around $13 per year.

Any additional tips and tricks?

In Progress.