Sunday, September 18, 2016

Economic Data of World's Major Economies

Unlike other posts of mine, this one is just a list of Mini Dashboard & Charts of Economic Data of major world economies. The first one is the Mini Dashboard, you can access it here.

Charts are created using the Visualisation Application

Before you scroll down, here are the steps I followed for creating the charts.

1. Uploaded the spreadsheet with economic data to
2. Created a Datasource with the Data from the uploaded spreadsheet.
3. Used the same Datasource to create the following charts & the mini dashboard.

You need to be a logged in user in and your profile registration must be completed before you try out the above steps. For details, you may refer to their blogs @

Major World Economies Export, Import, GDP (in ppp terms), Debt in $ billions:

Data related to Top World Economies:

GDP (PPP & Nominal) and Debt of the countries along Export & Import:

Export (Y-Axis) vs Import (X-Axis) vs Size of Economies (GDP in PPP terms) for top World economies:

Hope you find it useful.